AM Kingdom has thousands of amateur models inside of it and they are frequently adding new girls too. There are lots of sites dedicated to amateurs online, including the ones that are all supposed to be self-shot, user-submitted, hacked sex tapes, etc. Then there are also webcam sites that always have hundreds or even thousands of girls broadcasting live whenever I go to check it out.
Considering the numbers, I’d say that there are amateur pornstars everywhere and all of us have probably met and may even interact with a couple without ever knowing their dirty secret and side gig. Looking through the girls at AM Kingdom, I don’t see any I know, but I do see a lot who remind me of girls I’ve known.
That is the excitement of amateur porn for me. These inexperienced chicks are real people and many have jobs outside of adult entertainment where no one has a clue what they do online. The idea that I could be the guy to figure it out is exciting.
Get 34% off with an AM Kingdom discount and see if there are any familiar faces.